The X-Team year is divided into Seasons, which are periods of multiple months, each with a particular theme, where X-Teamers participate in new events, play new games, earn new bounties, and travel to X-Outposts all over the world.
We had our first Season from October to December last year, and it was all about gearing up. We asked X-Teamers to embrace their gear, to commit to the things that motivate us, that allow us to live the life we want.
We hit the gates running after Season 1 and immediately dove into Season 2. The last three months have been rife with activity, as X-Teamers gave their all once again. This is a summary of the biggest events of the Season.
Season 2: Wired for Adventure
Season 2 was all about adventure, about the thrill of doing something new. It was about removing ourselves from the common idea that you need to work work work, save up all your money, and go on an adventure once a year, maybe.
Instead, we believe your life can be filled with little moments of adventure, with sprinkles of curiosity that make you feel alive. Season 2 celebrated that feeling, and everything we did centered around the common theme of adventure.
The Thursday Games
New to Season 2, we created the Thursday Games. Every Thursday, X-Teamers could participate in a game where the top performers could win epic prizes and coins to spend in the Vault.
One such event was the all-day VS challenge, where X-Teamers were split into two teams: Wolves 🐺 vs Lions 🦁. The team that gathered most steps would win. See the result below. The Lions are still licking their wounds after the crushing defeat from the Wolves.

Another event was The Heist, a cooperate event where we shared pics of objects or actions to infiltrate a futuristic casino. We knocked down guards, cracked a safe, and fought off a disgusting blob of something called Grognor. We donated $500 of what was in the safe to charities such as the Guide Dog Foundation, the Free Wheelchair Mission, and the St Jude Children's Research Hospital.
But the hardest battles were fought during our Thursday loot raids. Our loot raids are dice-based roleplaying games, where the highest roller wins an epic prize and the lowest rollers are ruthlessly eliminated. Below are a few of the evil enemies we defeat.

The highest rollers won a GoPro Hero 7 Black, the Anki Vector Robot, $400 in travel credit, awesome Sony headphones, and $1,000 in travel credit. And all it cost to participate was one simple Vault coin. Talk about reasons to participate!
Adventure Bounties
We updated our bounties for Season 2 as well, keeping the theme of adventure in mind. Here are some of the most popular ones:
- Coffee Connoisseur: try a different type of coffee than you otherwise would.
- Record Adventurer: listen to an entire album you've never heard.
- Bock Bock Bock: cook or go out and eat a dish with chicken.
- Captain Marvel: watch Captain Marvel in theaters and post your review.
- Netflix Blindfold Roulette: watch whatever the Netflix roulette wheel gives you.
- Hit the Road: go on a road trip adventure that's at least a 200 km drive.

X-Teamers gathered thousands of coins completing all the bounties, some of which were spent on new gear and some of which were spent on...
Charity Donations
While it's important to add adventure to your own life, it's equally important to enable the less privileged to live good lives filled with fun and adventure. As such, using some of their coins, individual X-Teamers frequently donated hundreds of dollars to their preferred charities. Here are some of the charities that we love:
- The Guide Dog Foundation: trains guide and service dogs to increase the mobility and independence of people who are blind, have low vision, or have other disabilities.
- AbleGamers: enables gamers with disabilities to play video games, in the form of custom gaming setups.
- St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: treats the toughest childhood cancers and pediatric diseases. There's no cost to the patient being treated.
- The Free Wheelchair Mission: provides wheelchairs to people with disabilities in developing nations, at no cost to them.
Explore the World
The X is spread all around the world, but every month there's a cluster of X-Teamers gathering in one country on an X-Outpost. We're three months into 2019, and that means there have been three new X-Outposts: South Africa, the Philippines, and Thailand. Watch the video below to get an idea of what an X-Outpost is like.
What's Next?
That was it for Season 2: Wired for Adventure. Thank you to all X-Teamers for your energetic participation these last three months. We hope this Season reminded you of the importance of little bits of adventure sprinkled throughout the routine, occasionally interrupted with a longer stretch of adventure.
Season 3 will start on the 1st of May, so get ready, because we're not planning on slowing down.
Curious about previous X-Team Seasons? Read the reviews of our other Seasons.