Being part of X-Team comes with many perks. There are weekly events where you can win epic loot. You can travel to one of the X-Outposts organized somewhere around the world. You're part of a vibrant community that cares for you and makes sure you're well-equipped to do your job.
But one of the ultimate perks is the Unleash+ membership. From the moment you join X-Team, you'll receive $2,500 a year to spend on what energizes you. It's the ultimate incentive to do more of what you love, to go on adventures and try out new things.
No longer should you wait to buy Red Dead Redemption 2 until the price drops. No longer should you refrain from going to that $500-a-ticket JavaScript conference. No longer should you decide against going to that expensive new restaurant with your partner. You can use your Unleash+ budget to pay for it!
When you're no longer constrained by budget, you're far more likely to try out new things. You'll become a more curious person, someone who knows more of the world, someone who can connect with clients on a deeper level. You'll become a better developer and a better person, and that's worth more than $2,500 a person to us.
Here are some of the categories where you can use your Unleash+ budget:
Courses & Books
As a developer, you can never stop educating yourself. There are always new frameworks and new programming languages to learn. You can use your Unleash+ budget to keep your skill set razor sharp. But you needn't limit yourself to courses and books related to programming. Spend your Unleash+ budget on any course and book that you enjoy.
X-Teamers spend their Unleash+ budget in this category on things as varied as the Cracking the Code Interview book by Mr Kotiyana to N.K. Jemisin's epic fantasy books.
Productivity Apps
A developer needs to stay focused for prolonged periods of time. Apps can help a lot with that. Whether it's an annual Toggl subscription to track how you spend your time or a monthly subscription to screen recorder CloudApp, Unleash+ has you covered.
X-Teamers use this category to spend on annual subscriptions of excellent apps like Todoist, YNAB, Toggl, and many more.
Health & Wellness
You take your health for granted until something happens. Stay proactive by taking care of your health! Use your Unleash+ budget to relax and recharge. X-Teamers use this category for massages, meditation apps, acupuncture, dentist appointments, etc...
Although working from home is great, working from a different place can be a welcome change of environment. Pay for a one-day pass or a monthly membership at a coworking place with your Unleash+ budget.
Adventure Sports
Adventure energizes us, and X-Team encourages you to go on adventures. Want to go kayaking? Skiing? Climbing? Paragliding? Use your Unleash+ budget to cover the cost. Budget shouldn't be an excuse to step outside of your comfort zone every once in a while.
Gym Membership / Running Shoes
Budget should never stop you from working out either. Use your Unleash+ budget to pay for your monthly gym membership, or for those running shoes you've already run 500 miles in. Time to change!
Babysitter / Pet sitter
Want to go on a date with your partner, but don't want to spend too much money on a babysitter or a pet sitter? We've got your back. Use your Unleash+ budget to cover the babysitter / pet sitter costs and go on that date.
These are just a few of the categories that you can spend your Unleash+ budget on. It's not a fixed list either. X-Team listens to the feedback of its members and adds new categories with every season.
Being curious is the gateway to a deeper connection with life and ultimately a better you. Unleash+ removes the budget roadblock that all too often lies in the way of that vital curiosity.
Are you a talented developer, and do you want a $2,500 allowance to spend on all things awesome too? Send through your application today!