Ever since its introduction to the world in 2009, Node.js has grown into one of the most popular and well-liked technologies. Node.js is used by companies such as Amazon, eBay, Reddit, Netflix, and PayPal, who cite its speed, flexibility, and reliability as features that make it stand out from other technologies. This is a collection of some of the best Node.js resources for you to read or subscribe to.
4 Great Books to Learn Node 📚
No better way to dive deep down into something new by reading a book about it. These 4 books will help you to build a strong understanding of Node.js.
Node.js the Right Way
Author: Jim R. Wilson
Publication Year: 2013
Length: 148 pages
Get to the forefront of server-side JavaScript programming by writing compact, robust, fast, networked Node applications that scale. Explore the fun, growing repository of Node modules provided by npm. Work with multiple protocols, load-balanced RESTful web services, express, 0MQ, Redis, CouchDB, and more. Develop production-grade Node applications fast.
Beginning Node.js
Author: Basarat Syed
Publication Year: 2014
Length: 308 pages
A step-by-step guide to learning all the aspects of creating maintainable Node.js applications. You will see how Node.js is focused on creating high-performing, highly-scalable websites, and how easy it is to get started. Many front-end devs regularly work with HTML, CSS, PHP, even WordPress, but haven't yet learned Node.js. This book explains everything for you from a beginner level, enabling you to start using Node.js in your projects right away.
Node.js Design Patterns
Author: Mario Casciaro
Publication Year: 2014
Length: 454 pages
Get the best out of Node.js by mastering a series of patterns and techniques to create modular, scalable, and efficient applications. Dive into the core patterns and components of Node.js in order to master your application's design. This book will teach you tricks, techniques, and best practices to solve common Node.js design and coding challenges.
Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node
Author: Simon Holmes
Publication Year: 2015
Length: 440 pages
This book teaches you how to develop web applications end-to-end using the MEAN stack. First, you'll create the skeleton of a static site in Express and Node, and then push it up to a live web server.
Next, you'll add a MongoDB database and build an API before using Angular to handle data manipulation and application logic in the browser.
Finally you'll add an authentication system to the application, using the whole stack. When you finish, you'll have all the skills you need to build a dynamic data-driven web application.
4 Excellent Blogs to Stay Updated on Node 📄
Once you have a fundamental understanding of Node.js, these 4 blogs will keep you updated on the latest and greatest of this fast-moving technology.
Node.js Blog
The official Node.js blog mostly discusses the latest Node.js feature updates, as well as the reasoning behind them and what's coming next.
The NodeSource Blog
The NodeSource blog publishes articles about the Node.js community, as well as Node.js how-tos. In particular their Need to Node blog series is a useful collection of Node.js news, articles, tutorials and more.
How To Node
How To Node is a community-supported blog created by Tim Caswell. The purpose of this blog is to teach how to do various tasks in Node.js, as well as teach fundamental concepts needed to write effective code.
The RisingStack Blog
The RisingStack blog helps you learn about Node.js, JavaScript & microservices. The blog is updated every few days and has thematic series on Node that can help you get started with the technology.
3 Newsletters to Stay Current on Node 📩
If you prefer having the latest Node.js updates delivered to your inbox, subscribe to any or all of these 3 newsletters.
Node.js Everywhere
The official Node.js newsletter, sent out on a monthly basis.
Node Weekly
A free, once-a-week e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles.
Awesome Node.js Newsletter
A weekly newsletter that gives you an overview of trending Node.js libraries, along with Node.js news and events in the Node.js community.
4 Supportive Node Communities 🎭
These 4 communities will help you out if you ever have a Node.js question that needs to a quick and/or thorough answer or if you're simply looking for developers with similar interests.
Gitter: Node.js
The official Node.js Gitter with thousands of people actively discussing Node.
Hashnode: Node.js
The Node.js branch of one of the fastest-growing developer communities.
Reddit: Node.js
The official Node.js subreddit, with over 136,000 members.
Stack Overflow: Node.js
The developer Q&A website has thousands of questions tagged [node.js].