X-Teamers Donated to 21 Different Causes in December 2018

From 1 to 12 December, in anticipation of our X-Mas Party, X-Teamers come together to donate to causes they believe in. X-Team then tops up each individual X-Teamer donation with an additional $50. This year was no different, and X-Teamers donated to 21 different causes from around the world.

We believe in donating to those causes not because it's the right thing to do, but because we believe everyone should have the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life.

Here are the fantastic charities that we decided to support this year:

Causes to help cure diseases

Repair surgery for Chhun - David Roberts, Diego Durli

Fundacja WOSP - Piotr Pasich, Szymon Karnecki

Canadian Red Cross - Stephen Maryka

St Jude Children Research Hospital - Anton Orlov

Josep Carreras Foundation - Alberto Grande

Burn repair surgery for Yusuph - Luke Foley

Brain surgery for Fabrice - Maciej Chmurski

Orthopedic Surgery for Mbwana - Diego Ferreira

Puckie Hospicjum - Michal Miszczyszyn

Fundacja Sloneczko for Aleksander Bonin - Anna Chmurska

Causes to support those in need

Szlachetna Paczka - Jedrzej Kurylo

Podaruj Wigilie - Szymon Michalak

Stowarzyszenie Bracia Ubogich - Pawel Jedrzejczyk

Baptist World Aid - Josh Johnston

Jeden Uniwersytet Foundation for Marek Suwezda - Oktawian Lagiewski

Causes to protect animals

Fundación Rescate Animal Ecuador - Roberto Paredes

World Wildlife Fund - William Cabrera

Causes to protect our climate

Australian Youth Climate Coalition - Brad Giblin

Causes to bring water to those in need

Charity Water - Yulia Tsyba

Causes to bring communities together

Eyethu Skate Park - George Ziady

Causes to help others learn

Education in Cambodia - Paul McCRodden, Kerem Gocen, Mike Rhoads, Caleb Brown, Jake Foley, Szymon Michalak, Diego Seghezzo