Integrating Livefyre with Gigya for The X-Factor

X-Team has had the pleasure of working with FOX Broadcasting to build and maintain The X-Factor USA website for the last two years.

This year, they came to us with a unique challenge: integrate Livefyre with Gigya login.

The X-Factor’s site uses Gigya for its social registration and login, and they wanted it to integrate seamlessly with their Livefyre commenting system for all of their content.

Livefyre’s commenting system is a popular choice among entertainment and media companies, as it provides real-time commenting, mobile compatibility, rich media embedding, and plenty more. It’s also fairly simple for developers to go in and style the module however they’d like (as we did). Integrating the login with Gigya, however, was a new challenge for us and one we were excited to tackle.

Needless to say, we delivered. You can see the results on the current (2013) version of The X-Factor USA.